Federal Direct Loan Programs

Federal student and parent loans are issued through the Federal Direct Loan program from the U.S. Department of Education. Direct Stafford Loans are low-interest loans for students. Loans help pay for the cost of higher education after high school. 您将有一个单一的联系点和在线访问您的直接贷款帐户信息. There are several repayment options to choose from.

Remember, student loans must be repaid like loans for a car or house – and with interest. 只借你需要的钱来填补助学金或奖学金和上学费用之间的差额.


The Federal Direct Loan Program enables students to obtain long-term, low interest loans through the federal government. We will automatically offer you a Federal Direct Stafford Loan if you qualify. You are not required to accept the loan and we will not process the loan unless you accept it. Loans are available to both dependent and independent students, as well as, undergraduate students and graduate students. There is also a loan program for parents of students or graduate students.


你的资格是基于对你在联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)和其他证明文件上提交的数据的审查, if required. 你必须注册或被录取攻读学位、证书或专业课程. Your enrollment status must be at least half-time, (the equivalent of 6 units), and you must be a citizen or eligible non-citizen (permanent resident) of the United States.


Subsidized Loan

  • Student must have financial need - as determined by your FAFSA application
  • 联邦政府以你的名义支付利息,直到你进入宽限期——这段时间你至少有一半的时间不再注册
  • Repayment begins at the end of the 6 months grace period

NOTE: Effective July 1, 2013, “新借款人”申请资助斯塔福德贷款的利息补贴的时限为150%.

“新借款人”定义为从未借过斯塔福德贷款的人或截至7月1日现有余额为0美元的人, 2013.

If this limit applies to you, 你获得的直接补贴贷款不能超过你当前项目公布期限的150%. You can find the published length of your program in the school's catalog.

Unsubsidized Loan

  • Not need based
  • Maximums based on grade level and dependency status
  • Federal government does not pay interest
  • Interest is variable
  • No obligation to make payments while enrolled at least half-time
  • Interest accrues and capitalized during periods of enrollment in school and/or in deferment

Parent PLUS/ Graduate PLUS Loan

  • Government-insured, 为受抚养的本科生或研究生的父母提供的信用贷款计划, including doctoral degree students.
  • Approval for the PLUS loan is based on the credit-worthiness of the borrower. In the event of a credit-denial, Federal Student Aid's PLUS Loan InformationOpens in new window page details the options available for obtaining a PLUS Loan.
  • Interest is charged during all periods. Generally, PLUS Loan enters repayment 60 days after the loan has been fully disbursed. Various options are available to postpone payment; refer to Federal Student Aid's Direct PLUS Loan InformationOpens in new window page for additional details.
  • The student must be enrolled at least half time and be eligible for federal student aid.
  • 最高贷款金额是学生的出勤费减去收到的任何其他经济援助.
  • Parent PLUS Loan:
    • Is available to parents of dependent undergraduate students. In addition to the parent borrower passing a basic credit check, the student must meet the general eligibility requirements for federal student aid. 任何超出大学学费的金额将通过家长PLUS贷款退还给家长.
    • Dependent undergraduate students: if your parent is unable to secure a PLUS loan, you may be eligible for additional Unsubsidized loans to help pay for your education.
    • Click hereOpens in new window to learn more about Parent PLUS Loans, including the CSUF application process.
  • Graduate PLUS Loan:
    • Is available to graduate students (master's and doctoral students). 毕业生PLUS贷款旨在补充直接斯塔福德贷款计划的资金, 只有当你已经用尽了你的直接斯塔福德贷款资格,并且在你的出勤费预算中还有剩余的费用/房间时,才应该要求.


Interest rates are adjusted by Congress annually, with a new rate taking effect each July 1st. Although the interest rate for new loans may change each July 1, the rate received will be fixed for the life of the loan.  Current as well as previous Direct Loan interest rates are available on Federal Student Aid’s Stafford Loan Interest Rate pageOpens in new window .


In addition to the interest rate, Direct Loans charges an origination fee on all Stafford loans, which is deducted from your loan funds at the time of disbursement. For the current origination fee, refer to Federal Student Aid’s Stafford Loan Fee pageOpens in new window


每学年你可能有资格获得的资助贷款和非资助贷款有限额(年度贷款限额),你可以为本科和研究生学习借入的总金额(总贷款限额)。.  你每学年有资格获得的实际贷款金额可能低于年度贷款限额. These limits vary depending on your grade level and your dependency status.

Academic Year Loan Maximums 

  Dependent Students Independent Students*

Academic Year

Subsidized Only Subsidized and
Unsubsidized Combined
Subsidized Only  Subsidized and
Unsubsidized Combined

Year 1 (0-29 Earned Units)

$3,500 $5,500 $3,500 $9,500

Year 2 (30-59 Earned Units)

$4,500 $6,500 $4,500 $10,500

Year 3 (60-89 Earned Units)

Year 4 (90+ Earned Units)

$5,500 $7,500 $5,500 $12,500
Teacher Credential $5,500 $5,500 $5,500 $12,500
Post-Baccalaureate Unclassified $5,500 $5,500 $5,500 $12,500
Graduate/Professional N/A N/A N/A $20,500**

For financial aid purposes, you must have earned a minimum of 30 units to be considered a sophomore; 60 units to be considered a junior; 90 units to be considered a senior. 你的贷款将在招生和记录办公室指定的年级进行处理.

* Includes Dependent students whose Parents are PLUS loan denied.

** Graduate/Professional $20,500 annual loan limit is Unsubsidized Loan only

Restriction for graduating seniors with one-semester loan:根据联邦法律的要求,当本科学生计划在获得斯塔福德贷款的一个学期结束时毕业时,我们需要按比例(确定部分贷款资格). For example, 在秋季学期结束时毕业的高年级学生,由于不能参加整个学年的学习,将按其年度贷款金额的比例发放贷款.

Aggregate Limits

Aggregate Limits

Subsidized Only Subsidized and
Unsubsidized Combined
Undergraduate - Dependent  $23,000 $31,000
Undergraduate - Independent  $23,000 $57,500
Graduate/Professional $65,500 $138,500

How Do I Apply For Loans?

The application process for loans varies based on the loan program. 一旦你的经济援助申请被全面评估,并确定你有资格获得联邦学生援助, 你将根据你的经济需求和你在大学的学年获得联邦直接贷款. Additional application information is detailed below by Loan Program.

Parent PLUS Loans - Parents of Dependent Undergraduate Students 

How to Apply

The student must:

The parent must log onto Studentloans.govOpens in new window  and:

  • Complete a Parent PLUS Loan application which includes a credit check
  • Complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) online. You will need your FSA ID information, not the student's
  • PLUS咨询:必须由有不利信贷决定的父母完成,他们将对信贷决定提出上诉或寻求背书人对父母PLUS贷款的信贷批准

Finally, submit your completed and signed CSUF PLUS applicationPDF File  to the Financial Aid Office.

Disbursement of PLUS Funds

联邦直接家长贷款(PLUS)资金通过EFT(电子资金转账)发送到大学. One-half of the academic year loan is disbursed each semester.

大学将核实学生的资格,以及学生的大学账户是否有未结清的余额, Student Business Services (SBS) will mail a check to the parent borrower. 如果学生欠学校的钱,学校将暂时暂停付款,直到学生账户上的余额全部付清.

What if a Parent is Denied the PLUS Loan?

You may still receive a Direct PLUS Loan via one of these two options:

  1. Obtaining an endorser who does not have an adverse credit history. 如果你是父母借款人,背书人不能是你所代表的孩子. Your parent can reapply with a co-signer or document to the U.S. 教育部关于你不良信用记录的满意情况
  2. Documenting to the U.S. 教育部关于你不良信用记录的满意情况

Once you have completed either option 1 or option 2 above, you also must complete credit counseling for PLUS loan borrowers on the Studentloans.govOpens in new window website.

If a parent borrower is unable to secure a PLUS loan, 本科受抚养学生可能有资格获得额外的无补贴贷款,以帮助支付他或她的教育费用. The dependent student would need to provide the CSUF PLUS ApplicationPDF File Opens in new window and a denial letter from the Department of Education. The additional Unsubsidized loan would be offered on the Student Center after processing.

Graduate PLUS Loans - Master's and Doctoral Students

How to Apply

  • Apply for Federal Student Aid
  • Submit all required documents to office of Financial Aid
  • Review your Financial Aid summary in your Titan Online Student Center. If your total aid is less than the estimated financial aid and budget, you may apply for the difference in a PLUS loan
  • Go to Studentloans.govOpens in new window
    • Complete an application which includes a credit check
    • Complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) online. You will need your FSA ID information, not the student's
    • PLUS咨询:有不利信贷决定的研究生将对信贷决定提出上诉或寻求背书人对研究生PLUS贷款的信贷批准
  • Submit your completed and signed CSUF Grad PLUS applicationPDF File  to the Financial Aid Office

Disbursement of Direct PLUS Funds

  • 资金将以电子方式发送到大学,在通过支票或直接存款支付给学生之前,将用于任何未付费用.
  • You must be enrolled in at least half-time in order to be eligible to receive your loan funds.

Can I still receive a Direct Grad PLUS Loan if I have an adverse credit history?

A credit check will be performed during the application process. If you have an adverse credit history, you may still receive a Direct Grad PLUS Loan via one of these two options:

  1. Obtaining an endorser who does not have an adverse credit history
  2. Documenting to the U.S. 教育部关于你不良信用记录的满意情况

Once you have completed either option 1 or option 2 above, you also must complete credit counseling for PLUS loan borrowers on the Studentloans.govOpens in new window website.

Private Loans

Private Educational Loans, also known as Alternative Education Loans, 帮助弥合你的实际教育费用和你的其他财政援助资金之间的差距. Private loans are nonfederal loansOpens in new window , made by a lender such as a bank or a credit union. 这些以信用为基础的消费贷款通常比联邦贷款项目有更高的利率和费用. If you have exhausted all sources of federal funding and decide to borrow a private loan, compare lenders to ensure you are making the best choice for you.

Student loans for college are an investment in your future. 记住,你必须偿还贷款,所以一定要了解你的选择和责任. Make sure you understand who is making the loan and the terms and conditions of the loan.