Music Associates Student Concerto/Aria Competition

Cal State Fullerton • School of Music
Music Associates


2023 Student Concerto/Aria Competition


Bongshin Ko


The competition is open to currently enrolled CSUF music majors. Non-music majors enrolled through Extended Education and students graduating in Fall 2023 are not eligible. Previous overall grand-prize winners and last year’s first-place division winners are not eligible.



Applications must be submitted online no later than 11:59 pm, PT, Friday, October 6th, 2023.

You may enter only one of 3 categories

1) Concerto for solo instrument
2) Concerto for multiple instruments*
3) Aria/Art Song with orchestral or wind ensemble accompaniment.
   *You may enter only one of 5 divisions: Keyboard, Woodwind, Brass/Percussion, Strings/Guitar, or Vocal



Instrumentalists will perform, from memory, a single concerto movement of a standard concerto ORIGINALLY written for a solo instrument(s) with orchestra or with wind ensemble.

Vocalists will perform, from memory, two contrasting selections (opera arias OR art songs with orchestral or winds accompaniment).

The same work(s) must be performed for both rounds, from the repertory submitted at the time of application. Accompaniment is required. Competitors may bring their own accompanists or contact directly one of the School of Music staff accompanists David Bergstedt, Mark Salters for vocalists, and Mikhail Korzhev for instrumentalists.

Selections must be prepared in its entirety, but the audition will last no longer than 15 minutes*. The judges may stop the competitor and ask to continue from any other part of the work.
*8 minutes for Preliminary rounds

Submitted repertoire will be reviewed by Kimo Furumoto for orchestral repertoire or Dustin Barr for wind ensemble repertoire as they must approve the availability and suitability of the repertoire for the Symphony Orchestra or the Wind Symphony.  In the event that there is a problem with your repertoire, Prof. Furumoto or Dr. Barr will contact you and allow you an opportunity to submit alternate repertoire.



Held in two rounds in Meng Concert Hall


Preliminary Rounds

     • Monday, October 23 (11:30am 12:30pm)
     • Chair:  Alison Edwards (

     • Monday, October 23 (1:00pm-2:30pm)
     • Chair: Sycil Mathai (

     • Tuesday, October 24 (11:30pm-1:30pm)
     • Chair: Jean Ferrandis   (

     • Wednesday, October 25 (11:30am-2:00pm)
     • Chair: Kimo Furumoto (

     • Thursday, October 26 (12:30pm-2:30pm)
     • Chair: Kerry Jennings (

Final Round

     • Friday, October 27 (10:00am-2:00pm)
     • Chair:  Bongshin Ko (



Cash awards range from $200-500 for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place division winners.

All 1st-place division winners must be available to perform at the Music Associates Luncheon on April 26, 2024.

The overall Grand-Prize winner (chosen in the final round) must also be available to perform with the University Symphony Orchestra on February 25, 2024 or with the University Wind Symphony on May 4, 2024.


The application period is closed.


Bongshin Ko
Office: CPAC-167
Phone: (657) 278-3265

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