Marcelina “Marcy” Arroues Mulville

January 4, 1911 – June 18, 2001
A Legacy of Giving

Marcy Arroues Mulville

Marcy Arroues在奥兰治县长大. Her father, Bernard, and her mother, also Marcelina, immigrated from the béarnaise region of south-western France (bordering on Spain) around the turn of the twentieth century and were among the first 100 families in Orange County.

Bernard bought extensive acreage in the north area of the county (now partially the Fullerton golf course) to become an early citrus grower. 作为一名巴斯克人,他还加入了在农村草原上养羊的同伴们.

The youngest of four children, Marcelina attended Fullerton High School where she discovered music and excelled as first violin in the school orchestra. Eventual musical theatre-legend John Raitt and United States President Richard Nixon were among her classmates.

Orange County was an idyllic and verdant location in which to grow up; focused primarily on citrus, farmland and oil wells. At the time, 为了文化启发和先进的教育, residents had to travel some time and distance (long before freeways and rapid transit) into Los Angeles. In her teens, Marcy spent four years living in Los Angeles County and graduated from the School of Music at the University of Southern California. She majored in voice and violin. She also discovered that that rapidly growing metropolis had much to offer its residents. 她观察力很强,很感兴趣,回家时问了很多问题. “橙县需要一个交响乐团,”她提议道. “我们为什么不成立支持艺术、帮助穷人和病人的组织呢??”

凭借她的精力和决心,玛西开始将她的梦想付诸行动. 她在富勒顿小学和初中当了15年的老师. 在此期间,她还担任了当地圣. Mary’s Church developing it into a highly acclaimed musical body; continuing in that position for some 35 years. 她被认为是“教堂的音乐精神”。. 这些成就激励着她继续推进自己的文化梦想.

But in 1946, her father died and, just three years later, she lost her older brother, Jean. Since her older sister, 约瑟芬现在结婚了,在长滩教书, Marcy had to take on the responsibility of supporting herself as well as her mother and unmarried sister. She taught herself to become a citrus rancher and surprised the La Habra Growers Association by tenaciously convincing them of her serious intent. Eventually she was accepted as the first woman to sit on the Board of such a previously all-male organization.

During the 1960's, Marcy’s active musical spirit continued to guide her and she helped to form and support the Symphony Association of Orange County to create and promote a home-grown professional orchestra; one of her long-held dreams. She realized that Orange County was growing fast; but, unfortunately, not fast enough. 它还没有准备好为这项工作提供长期持续的支助. 1971年,该组织被迫解散.

为奥兰治县建立强大的文化认同, independent from Los Angeles, 要花的时间比玛西一个人所能承受的还要长吗. Over the next few years, she identified many other women in her area that shared her priorities. 用她的热情吸引和争取志同道合的进步人士, she founded, supported, 先进并积极参与了26个左右的非营利组织, though started in Fullerton, eventually expanded countywide. She served as president of the St. Jude Hospital Guild as well as founder-president of its Damas de Caridad and also of Las Campanas which, through its annual debutant ball, 为奥兰治县歌剧公司和奥兰治青年交响乐团筹集资金. 被提名为著名的迪士尼奖委员会成员, 马西还在富勒顿文化委员会工作了12年. 她在富勒顿援助联盟工作, Children’s Home Society, Crittenton Services for Children, the Fullerton Arboretum, Muckenthaler Cultural Center, among others, and, eventually, as a board member creating Orange County’s own 2000-seat Performing Arts Center (at last, in 1986, 玛西长久以来的一个梦想实现了!).

多年来,玛西因其无私的善举而受到无数赞誉. 她是1962年富勒顿商会的年度女性, 1975年南加州美丽活动家奖的获得者, 获得1982年北县基督教女青年会义工社区服务奖, perhaps most impressive of all, 1989年基督徒和犹太人全国会议人道主义奖.

In 1960 Marcy sold the family ranch to a land developer thus providing for the future security of her family. From her home base in Fullerton, she now was able to move headlong into becoming one of the leading proponents of the cultural growth of Orange County. A landmark event also occurred in 1960 that would become an integral part of Marcy’s life; the establishment of the new permanent campus of Orange County State College, 一个重要的新的教育和文化瑰宝, (虽然最初在12个临时兵营), practically in her backyard!

By 1964, its name was changed to California state college at Fullerton and the Performing Arts were developing rapidly. Founding president, Dr. William B. Langsdorf, declared that permanent buildings would be added to the campus as curriculum was established and developed to a point to require them. Perhaps prophetically, 第二座建筑包含了小剧院, Recital Hall, 乐器练习室和两个大型音乐排练室! Marcy was overjoyed but quickly realized that financially hard-pressed students could use an extra hand and encouragement. 因为音乐一直是她最大的兴趣, true to form, 玛西想为新的音乐系建立一个社区支持小组. 在咨询了教职员工之后, 艺术学院院长以及其他校园和社区领袖, Music Associates was born. 1968年,没有多少州立大学有课外支持小组. 大多数公众认为,所有必要的资金都是由他们的税收提供的. Forward-thinking Marcy saw the college as a new community asset with great potential even beyond its doors. Since its founding, Music Associates has been a major donor of scholarships to assist students with their studies. 许多毕业生已成为世界级的歌剧音乐家, symphony, and jazz, 音乐剧和其他类型的电影, 作为杰出的独奏家和教师.

In the late 1960’s, Marcy took a little time for herself and found a personal companion in Dr. Maurice F. 穆维尔是一位杰出的外科医生. Jude Hospital; he shared her support for many philanthropic organizations and was also passionate about music. 他们于1970年结婚,持续了25年,直到他去世. 虽然他们没有孩子. 穆维尔与前妻有两个女儿.

玛西在奥兰治县建立交响乐团的梦想比以往任何时候都更加光明. She renewed her efforts by nurturing and prodding Cal-State’s 45-member chamber orchestra. In 1978, it debuted at the school and continued to grow into an 85-member symphony eventually leaving its academic cocoon to blossom into the full-scale, world-classOrange County Pacific Symphony; third largest such ensemble in California. Without a doubt, 这是该学院最著名、影响最深远的“毕业生”, by 1972, had grown into a major international UNIVERSITY with a nationally-accredited SCHOOL of Music.还记得在维持这样一个复杂的组织时遇到的财政挫折吗, Marcy diligently engaged other like-minded philanthropic individuals to sustain this fledgling symphony in perpetuity and worked tirelessly to create five support guilds throughout the County. She was named “Chairman Emeritus” of Pacific Symphony and continued to be an active member until her death.

就在她患癌症前不久, Marcy’s next project was to raise funds to establish an endowment for the Fullerton Civic Light Opera, 全国公认的音乐剧主持人. Although she spoke of it with her usual enthusiasm, this was a dream that she could not fulfill. She simply became too ill.

除了丈夫和家庭,音乐一直是玛西最大的爱好. She was a loyal Orange Countian through and through and wanted only the very best for its people. She was relentless in doing all that she could possibly do to keep the Quality of Life “always in tune”. “Marcy was a remarkable person because of her vision and her persistence,” said Douglas K. 她去世时是太平洋交响乐团董事会主席. “She not only saw things this county was capable of doing, she insisted on getting them done.”

Through her inspiration, 具有远见卓识和深远的聚众能力, 她能够播下许多种子,并使它们茁壮成长, 为了我们所有人的持续利益和享受而成熟和开花.

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